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Subclass 407 Training Visa & Subclass 407 Training Plan

Writer: Zeolla SolutionsZeolla Solutions

The Subclass 407 Visa Training Plan (Subclass 407 Training visa) is for Applicants who want to come to Australia on a temporary basis (up to 2 years) to participate in occupational training or professional development.

Zeolla Solutions Subclass 407 Visa Training Plan is for you if you are planning to visit Australia to complete workplace-based training activities to improve your skills in an eligible occupation for Subclass 407 Training Visa (407 Visa Training Plan).

One of the requirements for the Subclass 407 Training Visa is that the employer must detail a proposed 407 Visa Training Plan.

The nomination stage of the Subclass 407 Training Visa - 407 Visa Training Plan requires you to submit a detailed and structured 407 Visa Training Plan that provides details about:

  • The Nominee (Trainee) and position;

  • The purpose of the Subclass 407 Training Visa; and

  • How you will implement and develop the 407 Training Visa - 407 Visa Training Plan.


Each subclass 407 visa Training Plan will be different and specifically tailored to the nominee’s training needs, the needs of the business (the sponsor) and the relevant occupation. In particular, it must comply with the relevant Legislative Instrument LIN 19/050 - Subclass 407 Training Visa and satisfy the nomination requirements under the relevant occupational training stream (LIN 19/050: Specification of Occupations—Subclass 407 Visa) Instrument 2019.

Zeolla Solutions will assist you with tailoring a comprehensive 407 Visa Training Plan for your Subclass 407 Training Visa application.

Subclass 407 Visa Training Plan

  • Our subclass 407 Visa Training Plans across trade and professional occupations are based on the Department of Home Affairs' requirements (DOHA) aligned with the Migration (LIN 19/050: Specification of Occupations—Subclass 407 Visa) Instrument 2019;


  • The Subclass 407 Training visa is a temporary visa that enables you to visit and or remain in Australia for up to two years to complete workplace-based training;


  • You can apply from inside or outside Australia;


  • We can provide Subclass 407 training plans ( 407 Training Visa ) for any trade and professional occupations;


  • Your 407 Visa Training Plan will be written based on relevant occupational standards to support your 407 Visa application;

  • Zeolla Solutions will evaluate Applicant's skill gaps against the nominated occupation on ANZSCO;

  • We will provide a detailed description of the desired skill level and the time required to achieve it;

  • Our 407 Visa Training Plans suit the needs of both the Sponsor and the Trainee;

The benefits of choosing Zeolla Solutions

  • Assurance that your 407 Visa Training Plan ( Visa 407 Training Plan ) will be written according to relevant occupational standards and in full support of your 407 Visa Training application;

  • Customised information for each case according to business activity and applicant's training gap;

  • Your 407 Visa Training Plan (407 training plan) will be tailored by Expert Migration Law Writers who are University Graduated in Migration Law (Western Sydney University) & Bachelor of Laws (University of New England & Southern Cross University, Australia) with more than 10 years of experience in Migration Law Writing & Legal Copyright;

  • No extras charges on request for amendments*;

  • Fast turnaround*;

  • Affordable Fees;

  • Excellent Customer Care.

Zeolla Solutions is a Leading Service Provider of comprehensive Subclass 407 Visa Training Plans for Subclass 407 Training Visa Applications. Each Subclass 407 Visa Training Plan will be tailored and specific to your business, the nominee (trainee) and training needs.

© Zeolla Solutions | ABN 59 110 478 862 | Qualified Education Agent QEAC N065 

Migration Law Writers Graduated Diploma in Migration Laws & Bachelor of Laws 


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